Last updated: January 1st, 1999
A listing of blindness and low vision related Web sites
Accent on Access - dedicated to assisting persons with mobility, hearing and vision impairments to connect with the Internet sites which can help supply their specialized needs.
American Council of the Blind - This service provides general information about the Council including recent issues of their monthly publication, The Braille Forum.
American Foundation for the Blind - The AFB is a non-profit organization recognized as Helen Keller's cause in the United States, a leading national resource for people who are blind or visually impaired.
Blind Net - useful and factual information about blindness, general information as well as links to organizations OF the Blind, those organizations FOR the Blind, some of the companies that provide equipment, and other resources.
Blind Releated Links - Probably the best "related links" Web page for the blind and visually impaired.
Braille Institute - a private, non profit organization providing free programs and services for Southern California residents who are blind or visually impaired.
Center for Information Technology Accommodation (CITA) - a clearinghouse of information on making Information Systems accessable to all users.
CNIB - The Canadian National Institute for the Blind on the World Wide Web.
CustomEyes Computer Systems - PC products, CCTVs and accessories, voice, braille, large print and reading systems for both DOS and Windows.
Deafblind Link - Web site by James Gallagher, a Deafblind person himself.
The Design Linc - an on-line Interior Design resource and information service, specifically geared to locate high quality products and services available for the Physically Challenged (All disabilities) individuals.
Discover Technology - This site is devoted to sharing information that is pertinent to persons with disabilities and those professionals who provide services.
Duxbury - develop and market software for braille for English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Hebrew, and other languages on MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh, Unix and other systems.
ITG - A full-service systems integration organization. They provide government, educational, and commercial entities with a wide range of adaptive equipment, automation products, and value-added services.
Low Vision Gateway - created to be your starting point to access information on the World Wide Web related to the fields of low vision and blindness. The purpose is not to present one approach or bias, but to provide access to all related information on the Internet.
The National Alliance OF The DisAbled, Inc. - a Tax exempt organization and is an online informational and advocacy organization dedicated to working towards gaining equal rights for the disAbled in all areas of life.
The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) - the nation's largest and most influential membership organization of blind persons.
National Library Service for the Blind - The Library of Congress page on the National Library Service (NLS) for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. NLS administers a free library program of braille and recorded materials circulated to eligible borrowers through a network of cooperating libraries.
The New York Institute for Special Education - NYISE is a private, non-profit, non-sectarian educational facility with quality programs for children who are blind or visually disabled.
NOAH - The National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation. Albinism is a genetic disorder that causes a lack of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes. Visual acuity is reduced and many are legally blind.
Braille Planet, home of Raised Dot Computing and MegaDots
Seedlings Braille Books for Children - a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to providing high quality, low-cost Braille books for children.
Solutions from (Sponsored by Evan Kemp Assoc.) - A comprehensive list of disability resources on the Internet.
Texas Commission for the Blind - Serving Texans who are blind.
Vision Rehab Centers - a resource for macular degeneration and other forms of impairment.
Worldwide Virtual Community of the Disabled, Inc. - organized exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations.
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